Friday, December 19, 2008


I am currently low in ideas for posts so I decided to put up a picture that I finished last night. For some reason it turned out looking very odd when scanned so I had to tinker with it until it looked reasonable.
Now that I think about it she kind of looks flat; well then again she was drawn on paper.


  1. That must has taken you a long time to complete. Did you draw the person from any specific book or movie?

  2. Ryan you are tremendously talented, and really a wonderful kid. I love seeing what comes out of your mind.

    Beautiful mind, beautiful heart.

    Ma West

  3. Nice job, Ryan. Who is this supposed to be?
    How is life back home? Over here things are flying by, but Europe is definitely enjoyable!

  4. Wow, that's beautiful! What is she thinking?
    Kris (Johnson) Jones
