Sunday, February 7, 2010


I thought that it was about time for me to add something; the only thing of interest for me to talk about is NaNoWriMo.
Here's what the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says about NaNoWriMo: NaNoWriMo is a website(s) for those who want to feel like they've accomplised something while using their creativity. What these people do is they set a word count goal for the month of November and try to meet that by the end of the month. You can type whatever you like and it doesn't have to be edited, for as the saying goes, "November is for writing, December is for typing." If you meet that word count by the end of the month the you get a messege from NaNoWriMo say that you've won in a big, multi-colored font with background fireworks. I you lose you lose nothing, which is the big flaw of the program. Other flaws are that people don't want to write a lot of words, and that they think that they need to be creative in order to write that much.
If you're an adult then you have to do 50,000 words, but there is a young adults version where you pick your own goal, I chose to do 10,000 because I'm a very slow writer - think seven minutes to plan a sentence and then another minute to type it.
At first I worked on a book I had been writing, but I got bored with that and started to work on others. I had gotten to the last day of November with 6,ooo and plus words down and more then 3,ooo to write, so I started to type what ever came to mind, winning me a cool "You've Won!" messege and 10,156 words under my belt.